Friday 30 October 2015

Cookery course

A quick post with useful tips from that cookery course I took. It really opened my eyes to not bodging, and I have had better results since.

Useful equipment: 
A spatula or spoonula for stirring is really useful, more hygenic than a wooden spoon and can get into all the corners. 
A meat thermometer will let you know when meat is hot enough to be safe, without being dried to a crisp. No more food poisoning worries or fibrous chicken.

Useful tips: 
Lay out all your ingredients and equipment on the worktop first. This helps you to be organised and feels professional.
Always wear an apron to stay clean. I just need a protective screen for my glasses now.
Measure carefully and don't make too much or put in extra leftovers which will only spoil it.
Focus and take your time!

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