Saturday 21 November 2015


Lately, I've been experimenting with sauces. Here are four favourites: (proportions to taste)

For stir fry or noodles, soy sauce with garlic, fresh ginger squeeze of honey and watered down with a bit of instant chicken stock. Shake and keep in a jamjar in the fridge.

For middle eastern foods and mezze: tahini paste watered down with lemon juice, water and garlic. This does a weird textural thing where it goes all white and thick when shaken, keep adding more water.

Barbecue sauce for meat: equal amounts of ketchup, worcester sauce, lemon juice, tabasco, melted butter. This is the Lady Bird Johnson sauce from my new texas cookbook. It seems like all the presidents wives had to post out recipes to enquirers! Feminist rant. Actually it looked like Lady Bird was a lot smarter than Lyndon anyway.

And a classic bechamel cheese sauce which I tried on gnocchi instead of pasta for a change.


SteffR said...

I admit I only occasionally make my own sauces (I have done barbecue though and it's surprisingly easy!). I think I am cursed when it comes to cheese sauces - sometimes they go ok, other times they split even though I am sure I've done it right!

Elinor Vickers said...

Another good thai satay style stir fry sauce is equal amounts peanut butter, sweet chilli sauce, soy sauce and water. Shake in a jar to incorporate the PNB.