Friday 15 December 2017

Bonus New Year Resolutions Post

A lot of posts beginning with B this month!

New Year Thoughts 2018

I will continue to live more boldly, trying new things and staying out of my comfort zone.
I have joined an art class and will stretch my art more
I will eat fruit every day
I will walk more and go to the gym once a week
I will clear out the flat
I will climb Bennachie
I will get a new job
I will think about buying a new home
I will say yes to more new experiences
And no to things I don't want to do
I will make good use of all my London experiences

Do any blog readers have any resolutions?


Maria said...

I haven't come up with one for 2018 yet, but here are some past good ones I managed to keep:
- Have more champagne in my life.
- Just do things even when I know I won't get a huge project done in one go. Just start doing, don't wait for everything to be perfect and to have enough time for all of it.
- Invite people over without spending 40 hours cleaning the house and cooking a gourmet meal.

Elinor Vickers said...

I will also keep my last year resolution to try and buy most of my new clothes from charity shops and to go to the library rather than buying books. The former as I actually found some great things and was more experimental and the latter due to space, mostly. I am going to try and only buy things that really matter.